Sunday, October 30, 2016

Episode 6: The one about Halloween, roaming mechs, and the power of hype

In our sixth episode, Jeff and Jeremiah talk about what we've been up to recently (game-wise), what we think the best game(s) to play on Halloween are, and the power of (or problems with!) hype.

Recently Played (00:15)
Jeff rambles on about his recent play of Clank and Jeremiah talks about Celestia.

News (09:13)
The guys go into a bit of detail talking about a game out on Kickstarter: Medici: The Card Game

"it" Factor

Jeremiah and Jeff each give their pitch for what they think the best game to play on Halloween is.

2-Player Review

After a recent playing of Scythe, Jeff and Jeremiah are ready to give their verdict of this game, specifically for its viability with 2.


Hype is a funny thing: It can rocket a game to the top of the BGG hotness, wildly increasing sales ... but it can also leave many players disappointed in its wake. What do we think of it?

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Episode 5: The one about Essen Spiel 2016

In our fifth episode Jeff and Jeremiah go over their Top 10 games (in no particular order, of course) that they are collectively looking forward to at Essen Spiel 2016. Timestamps (+ descriptions) below, if you want to skip to any section(s) that appeal to you.

Number 10 (01:52) - Kingdomino from Blue Orange 

Number 9 (06:34) - Fabled Fruit from 2F Games

Number 8 (11:48) - Orleans: Trade & Intrigue from dlp games

Number 7 (17:22) - Small World: River World from Days of Wonder

Number 6 (21:34) - Welcome Back to the Dungeon from IELLO

Number 5 (25:40) - Inis from Matagot

Number 4 (31:14) - 7 Wonders: Duel - Pantheon from Repos Production

Number 3 (36:10) - The Last Friday from Ares Games

Number 2 (40:49) - Alchemists: The King's Golem by Czech Games Edition

Number 1 (47:13) - Power Grid: The Card Game by 2F Games

Sunday, October 2, 2016

Episode 4: The one about Mechs vs. Minions, the use of apps, and punishing difficulty

In our fourth episode we continue our quest to deliver great all-around content about everything tabletop. Timestamps (+ descriptions) below, if you want to skip to any section(s) that appeal to you.

Recently Played (00:15)
Where we run through our recent games of Brass and Yggdrasil

News (09:13)
Jeremiah gives his impressions of the newly released Sushi Go app ... and of course we have to talk about Mechs vs. Minions!

The "it" Factor (20:06)
Our discussion of difficulty in games, and why games that can be punishingly difficult can still be some of the best gaming experiences ever.

2-Player Review (31:55)
How well does Evolution: Climate (and Evolution) plays with just two people?

#culture (47:15)
With the recent release of Mansions of Madness 2.0, we run through the highs (and lows) of board games that use digital apps.

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